Nollywood actor turned politician, Desmond Elliot, added another year on Thursday, and as expected it was a torrent of birthday wishes from fans, friends and well wishers. While some of the birthday messages were as routine as what you would expect from an average admirer, some had with them messages so meaningful they could not be ignored.
Such was the one from another Nollywood colleague, Uti Nwachukwu, whom many have dubbed as haughty and arrogant. But Uti displayed in his birthday message to Desmond, complete humility, reverence and pure respect, calling the legislatorhis mentor.
“My Oga. My realeast friend in the industry. The one who had and still has my back. God has blessed you with another year to continue being great. As you celebrate your birthday @desmondelliot .. My prayer is that God will protect you and elevate you to national and international levels.
He will bless you with overflowing wealth and health loaded with happiness and peace! All your children would be sources of pride and joy to you…As God has chosen you to lead, wisdom, kindness and knowledge will be added unto you. As you supported and helped me when a lot didn’t believe in me..GOD shall always support guide,guard and announce you in Jesus name! Amen!!!!! Happy birthday Honourable!”
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