

by nadum 11 Nov , 2015  

It is said that a gold fish has no hiding place, ‎this has been affirmed by the recent and most expected inauguration of Rt Hon Chibuike Amaechi into the cabinet of the PMB administration. Rivers people expresses their gratitude to PMB as a man of integrity that rewards sincerity, dexterity and hardwork which were the cardinal attributes of Gov Amaechi before, during and after the elections.
Gov Amaechi was appointed the Director General of the President Buhari campaign that effected the change in the present Nigeria, in achieving this feat, this worthy son of the Niger Delta beyond ethnic lines deemed it fit to stand with the people on the future of Nigeria irrespective of the huge cost of betrayals, affront, propaganda and evil ploys to extinguish him from planet earth. Gov Amaechi in cause of the change agenda mobilized Rivers people en mass to support PMB, which met stiff regional opposition‎ of intimidation, violence and murder of over 98 persons in Rivers state. One of the sad incidence that can’t be easily erased away was the level of hate and wickedness in Jan 2015 where the rally of PMB to Rivers state recorded an attack on APC faithful from Khana, Asalga etc enroute a morning drive to the aestheic Adokiye Amiesimaka stadium, venue of the rally leaving scores and many badly injured. It took the kind heartedness of PMB after the rally to visit the attacked victims.
All these heinous acts did not debar the dogged‎ change agent as he staked his life even at the wake of various oppositions as a state governor, Joseph Mbu was in flagrant opposition to the chief security officer of the state to the notice of the public leaving the state in a calamitous razzmatazz of crises, protest and heightened insecurity. One vividly remembers in one of the acts, where Joseph Mbu police agents stopped the governor of the state from passing through an access road in GRA PH leading to the government house all because the wife of the then president was in the state, leaving Gov Amaechi with a advisory statement to Mr Mbu what if in all you’re doing WE WIN. In all this Gov Amaechi remained resolute in the vision of a better Nigeria under the leadership of PMB going by his integrity and zero tolerance on corruption.
He came, He saw and finally conquered all odds with the good people of Rivers state to‎ see the glorious enthronment of PMB. This feat didn’t come without hate campaigns of calumny or scandals of corruption against the Lion of Niger Delta as plots and counter plots of lies were orchestrated to demean the character and person of CRA with the setup of the Justice Omereji Commission of Enquiry with an assignment to indict Gov Amaechi which played out openly in the phantom display of the heightened animosity of Justice Omereji at the judicial panel where witnesses were intimidated, refuse opportunity to speak in some instances, as Justice Omereji who is believed to bear an age long hatred for Amaechi was hired to do this bidding going by his long bitterness for Amaechi he would be a better person to hatch the job for the PDP led Wike govt of Rivers state.
In continuation with there plots against the appointment of Rt Amaechi one Livingstone Wechie was contracted under the aegis of Integrity group with frivolous and mischievous petitions to malign the Amaechi led administration by falsifying and altering documents all to satisfy his pay masters and indict the person of Amaechi. This character of Livingstone who was disposed of his inclination to the Civil liberty Organization for his invidious acts of treachery and deciet went headlong to float the integrity group which lack any ioata of integrity with various campaigns of calumny on national dailies, radio and TV stations being sponsored by the PDP administration in rivers state. As this baseless document which was aimed at deceiving PMB from appointing Amaechi was brought as a last straw at the hollow chambers of the red capet by Sen Sekibo to mislead the public but who was booed down by fellow senators knowing the petition was baseless and meaningless to the activities of the floor of the house. As the said integrity group wasn’t registered with CAC hence by law has no onus to prosecute such petitions hence led to the natural death of that sinister move. ‎

This appointment of Rt Hon Chibuike Amaechi is another ample opportunity of service to the nation because the AMAECHI I KNOW is a selfless and resourceful man with a capacity to reinvigorate, revive and restructure any sector of government under his supervision.

To this Rivers people say to Mr President in our various language Emanma, Buana, Imiete……… etc in all we say THANK YOU PMB for the appointment of Rt Hon Chibuike Amaechi CON.

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