Thoughts create the world in which we live. It’s a very powerful statement.
Your thoughts are the key component to the life you are now experiencing and will experience in the future.
And like myself, if you believe in this statement, you are most likely dedicated to sailing blissfully along, maintaining consistent positivity, and constantly updating your Dreamboard® so your dreams can appear in the near future.
But maybe you have been creating your Dreamboard® for a while and aren’t manifesting things as quickly or easily as you were promised in the books, videos, websites, and articles all presenting thousands of testimonials about the Law of Attraction. Maybe deep down you feel stuck or that there is something holding you back.
Take a deep breath. There is…it is called your subconscious.
You’re probably wondering how your subconscious has anything to do with anything – especially with manifesting the life of your dreams.
In simple terms there is often a disconnect between the part of your mind that fully believes that your Dreamboard® is on its way (your conscious mind) and the other part (your sub-conscious mind) that is doubting how it is going to happen.
To put it in perspective: While your conscious mind could be guiding you toward what you want, your subconscious mind, which is so much more powerful, could be preventing it – based on fear. So, while you’ve got your conscious mind telling you how deserving you are, your subconscious mind could be dragging you down with limited thinking.
These limiting beliefs are present because most of us carry around childhood memories, past traumas, and pain, causing severe stress that roots itself in our subconscious and manifests itself in negativity and fear. Some even suggest that the subconscious mind is a million times stronger than the conscious mind. In order to have a life of positivity, joy, and abundance, our conscious and sub-conscious thought patterns must become congruent.
From watching my clients commit to reprogramming their thoughts and deeper subconscious, I’ve learned that, without a doubt, shifting the way you think and reprogramming your subconscious mind is the most important thing when it comes to manifesting what is on your Dreamboard®.
So how do we do this? Below are several techniques to get started on right away.
1. Go outside!
For those who are city-bound, this does not simply mean walk amongst the buildings. Nature takes you back to your alpha mind state, helping you really feel the earth around you and, in turn, your place in it. Being outside on a daily basis can energetically change the way you feel and live.
2. Find people who inspire you.
These should be the type of people you want to be when you “grow up.” Parents and family are great role models, but to transcend your circumstances, you have to find other sources of inspiration. When you find them, read their books, follow their stories, and build your own thoughts from their teachings. Often, they will become a mirror of your own weaknesses and insecurities and help you find a way past them.
3. Get a coach.
Find a great coach – someone who inspires you and can hold you accountable for your actions. A good coach will be able to see the “blocks” and what is holding you back from manifesting you desires. Often times others can see in us what we cannot see in ourselves.
4. Meditate and stop over-thinking.
In a world of constant information, this might be one of the most difficult things to do; yet it is one of the most important. You have to turn off the noise, and that includes your own voice. It is very difficult to have purely positive thoughts when it comes to manifesting what you don’t have. Creating a space of no thoughts removes any resistance that you might be holding, which may be preventing the manifesting from taking place.
5. Take a snapshot of your past.
There is no point in dwelling on your past; you can’t change it, but it remains an excellent learning tool. Looking at your past briefly can present to you the patterns you are creating over and over in your life. Your past struggles can often provide a glimpse into where you need to heal. Sending love to your past can propel you forward on your path.
6. Live beyond current circumstances.
Money, time, work, etc. all drag you down and make you feel trapped in your current reality. You have to live beyond what you have now and believe in what you can become. As the Law of Attraction states, living within the mindset of the future version of you helps the future come to you.
7. Embrace fear.
You are never going to completely get rid of fear. So instead, you must harness the energy behind that fear and embrace it. We often feel afraid of the things about which we care most. Understand that fear usually occurs when you are about to do something you have never done.
8. Visualization and daily affirmations.
Several times a day, count backwards from ten, being mindful of relaxing and visualizing your goals. If your mind drifts, just focus on the counting backgrounds from ten. Daily affirmations throughout the day, including ones of gratitude for what you already have in your life, also help you create a new state of awareness.
9. Positive thoughts, feelings, energy, and people!
Do you ever wonder how bad things happen repeatedly to the same people? They vibrate from a level of negativity, and it brings forth more and more negative things. Surround yourself with ONLY people who TRULY believe in your vision and goals. We are not alone in the creation of our thoughts, so choose to surround yourself with only people who will celebrate with you when you manifest your dreams.
10. Pick alternative treatments that resonate with you.
Select specific mind-body treatments that will increase your vibration and energy. Since everything is energy, as you increase your vibration you are in a better space to attract what you desire. Research alternative therapies – such as acupuncture, cupping, Reiki, or crystal therapy – or consider taking up a yoga class from time to time to keep your energy flowing and positive.
To conclude; identifying each specific subconscious pattern that is holding you back is not going to happen (it’s pretty much impossible). But, as you move closer to removing those subconscious blocks, everyday you announce to the Universe that you are ready to commit to change and therefore your life will change. This type of focus and declaration helps you discover the changes that need to take place for your life to be forever altered in the most amazing ways…and attract the things you most desire!
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