
America Decides: Citizenship and Immigration Canada website crashes as Trump Wins

by nadum 9 Nov , 2016  

It seems it’s not only celebs who are making plans to flee a Trump presidency.

As Election Night in the US wore on, with Trump posting big gains in key battleground states, Canada’s immigration website crashed for some people, posting a “500 – Internal server error” message.
There’s no guarantee the two things are related, but given the loud insistence of many Americans, every election cycle, to move north in the event of an unfavorable election outcome, it’s not a huge leap to assume that many despondent voters are exploring options.
At the time of writing, the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Twitter page had not acknowledged the outage.

Twitter reacts

Many were tempted to file this under “you couldn’t make it up.” Actor and comedian Ben Schwartz couldn’t believe he’d been beaten to the punch, tweeting:
“I was gonna write this as a joke but found out it was real. “The Canada Citizenship and Immigration site crashed around 8 PM” #electionnight,” he wrote.
Another user couldn’t see the funny side of it.
“Canada’s Citizenship & Immigration site just crashed. This isn’t a joke. #ElectionNight,” user Scott Warner tweeted.
Others pointed to the website’s crashing as part of a wider theme of signs that Trump’s victory was inevitable.
“Where we stand right now: DOW futures are down 750. The dollar is plummeting. And Canada’s immigration website just crashed,” he wrote.
We’re not sure where Trump supporters plan to flee if Clinton wins. But one fan tweeted — in all-caps — “I’M MOVING TO RUSSIA IF TRUMP LOSES.”
As Election Night wore on, results seemed to show that the odds that she would have to learn Russian were decreasing.

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