FBI Director James Comey recommends that no charges be brought against presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, for the mishandling of classified information on private email servers.
Mr. Comey said on Tuesday that investigations into more than 30,000 emails led to the recommendation. The FBI determined that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
Mr. Comey asserted that Mrs. Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” with classified information. He added that in order for charges to be brought against Mrs. Clinton, there would have to be an indication that information on the email servers were handled “in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct or indications of disloyalty to the United States or efforts to obstruct justice.”
At the end of interviews with Mrs. Clinton that lasted 72 hours, Mr. Comey’s recommendation relieves the Clinton campaign of weight that had cast a shadow of doubt on Mrs. Clinton’s eligibility as Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. This announcement precedes Mrs. Clinton’s appearance with President Barack Obama on the campaign trail at an afternoon rally in North Carolina.
But the recommendation comes after an impromptu meeting Mrs. Lynch had with former president Bill Clinton early last week. The meeting raised concerns over possible conflicts of interest regarding the case. Mrs. Lynch, however, stated that their meeting did not bother on the then pending investigation but on golf and grandchildren. US Attorney General Loretta Lynch has asserted that she would proceed with whatever recommendation is made by the agency.
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